this project is something i created due to my deep love for music. music plays a huge role in the mood and inspirations of my work, so i felt compelled to make a poster for each of my favorite albums of last year, and the results are some of my favorite designs i've ever done.

this project is something i created due to my deep love for music. music plays a huge role in the mood and inspirations of my work, so i felt compelled to make a poster for each of my favorite albums of last year, and the results are some of my favorite designs i've ever done.

this project is something i created due to my deep love for music. music plays a huge role in the mood and inspirations of my work, so i felt compelled to make a poster for each of my favorite albums of last year, and the results are some of my favorite designs i've ever done.

graphic design
just for fun


i approached this project with the goal of capturing the essence of each album. i achieved this through studying the music videos, music packaging, as well as the sound of the music itself.


this project is a union of the two things i'm most passionate about; art and music.


each poster embodies how the album makes me feel.